A special education advocate working in a federally funded local affiliate of a statewide non-profit learned the Right Question Strategy in a training. After a shooting at their children’s middle school, the advocate taught the Right Question Strategy to four parents who began to ask lots of questions about school safety. Excited by what they had figured out, they recruited 100 more parents from the Mexican immigrant parent community who then all learned how to focus on key decisions and ask questions about services for their children. These parents, most of whom had never set foot in their children’s schools, started meeting with school administrators and the police chief, and then showed up at school board and city council meetings and at the mayor’s office to press for greater security in the schools. They came out of nowhere and soon became known as La Fuerza (The Force) in the community. The parents successfully secured violence prevention programs at the schools, better after-school activities for the students, and new school transportation options so their children, who lived 30 miles from the school, could stay and participate in the activities. The parents had begun to organize, advocate, lobby, participate in public hearings and hold public and elected officials accountable through the teaching of the Right Question Strategy by another parent.