During my global education experience in Brazil, I experienced firsthand the sheer power of curiosity and wonder. My host teacher…
Teaching + Learning
One way to align this lesson with a pedagogy style supported by NGSS is to have students observe the phenomenon…
As a former classroom teacher with experience in the Question Formulation Technique (QFT), I decided to incorporate the QFT as a tool to focus students’ enthusiasm and work in a way that would guide our thinking and vision, projects, and work.
One practice I wish was used more, and truly thought about more deeply, is questioning. Certainly we ask questions in…
In PBL, high quality projects begin with a launch-- an engaging entry experience to the project that “hooks” student engagement. This first phase of the project provides a wonderful opportunity for the Question Formulation Technique (QFT).
Here are two quick examples of how educators are driving adoption of the QFT in science and social studies as…