What if we expanded the notion of teachers’ “use” of questions? What happens when teachers tap into, that is, “use”…
Teaching + Learning
DotStorming is a simple tool and one that is rivaling Padlet for use in the classroom. Created by a programmer…
High-Quality Project-Based Learning (PBL) provides opportunities for sustained Inquiry over multiple working sessions. Transitioning to PBL involves shifts in planning,…
How educators are using the Question Formulation Technique in STEM lessons around the country and world. By Chris Orchard Students…
The Question Formulation Technique (QFT) is a strategy that 250,000 educators worldwide are using to teach students how to formulate…
What I like about the Question Formulation Technique (QFT) process is that it provides an opportunity for my first graders to ask their questions without feeling insecure or judged on their prior knowledge.