The Right Question Institute showed a different way of leveraging inquiry. If the teacher could get students to ask more…
Teaching + Learning
Our goal was to help students gain confidence in asking great questions that would not only spur conversation, but also…
The Question Formulation Technique (QFT) is a step-by-step process that creates a space and a structure for students to generate…
Steps of the Question Formulation Technique (QFT) & Video Guide After logging in or signing up for the Educator Network,…
We presented students with a statement about the setting, challenging them to have their questions focus on the role of the setting at the beginning stages of a historical fiction reading unit we were doing. We were not only building background knowledge around specific historical time periods, but also teaching students to approach this genre with more of an awareness and concern about the time and place.
A fast-evolving economy and turbulent civic environment mean it’s not enough for students to learn. They must be taught how…