How educators are using the Question Formulation Technique in STEM lessons around the country and world. By Chris Orchard Students…
High School (9 – 12)
The Question Formulation Technique (QFT) is a strategy that 250,000 educators worldwide are using to teach students how to formulate…
An experienced QFT practitioner, Connie Williams, shares 5 "Ah-Ha" moments.
After we did our initial fieldwork on Flagstaff Mountain, we gathered as a whole class and began the task of…
It is crucial that students in the twenty-first century learn how to formulate and use questions, drive their own inquiries,…
In the fall of 2015, my colleagues at Boston University and I set out to find out how the Question Formulation Technique (QFT) impacts high school student outcomes, in particular curiosity, divergent thinking (creativity), school engagement, and self-efficacy.